The ancient Sufi dance, Whirling Dervishes, is an important cultural and spiritual tradition among the Sufi group. Besides, this dance is a significant attraction to visitors and other outsiders because, to them, watching the Turkish dancers spin is breathtaking. However, Rumi’s whirling dervishes is not just a source of entertainment for the devoted members of...Read More
Christian terminology defines a council as a meeting of church leaders, like bishops, that is held to consider and rule on questions of administration, doctrine, and discipline, among other matters. Following that line of thought, an ecumenical council is a general council, i.e., a meeting of bishops of the entire church. But not every general...Read More
Caves and mountains have always fascinated the human mind. There seems to be something about the earth opening up or rising to tower above all else that triggers our spiritual predisposition. As a result, many caves and mountains across the globe are considered sacred by their respective communities, whether as the homes of gods and...Read More
With so many enticing sites in Istanbul, tourists so often leave without exploring some breathtakingly amazing attractions in the city. Excellent examples of such forgotten treasures are probably two of the most stunning neighborhoods in any Turkish city; Fener and Balat. These two neighborhoods sit next to each other on the western bank of the...Read More
Upon landing in Istanbul, or even before arrival, one of the first things to catch your eyes is an evil eye bead. It is a cultural thing that has over 5000 years of history and is still used all around the country, especially for a newborn baby, a brand new car, or even a newly...Read More
If you’re heading to Turkey, it may be best to brush up on your history of the magnificent destination. One feature is incredibly iconic and has a rich and exciting history behind it- the Turkish flag. The flag has tons of little fundamentals that will spice up your visit to the country. Where did it...Read More
If you grew up in the Christian church, chances are you’ve heard of the Revelation is higher. This apocalyptic book at the end of the Bible is filled with strange imagery and predictions of doom. But, before the four horsemen of the apocalypse ride in, the author has a message for some people in particular....Read More
Are you going to be traveling to Turkey soon? Before you start packing your bags, it might be a good idea for you to learn a little more about the area. The best way to gather information about any destination is to read about it. Reading books can help you get a small taste of...Read More
Whether you took classics classes in college or just read the Percy Jackson books, you’re familiar with Greek myths. They’re everywhere in western culture, from the symbol doctors use to the iconography that condom companies choose. But there’s one Greek myth that rises, shall we say, head and shoulders above the rest. The story of...Read More